Three little pigs, who were best friends always together wherever they went, decided one day to build houses. These pigs were used to sleeping at night in the serene countryside. One day, as they were lying on their bellies, having a discussion, one of them said, “Why don’t we each build a house for ourselves?” The other two pigs thought for a moment and said, “That’s a good idea! Let’s start gathering materials and each of us will build a house. That way, the old enemies who try to harm us won’t be able to get us.” And so, Plop! Plop! The three houses were built. One was made of bricks, one of wood, and one of straw.
One evening, a big dog called Satela was wandering around. Satela loved to eat little pigs. When he came across the pigs’ houses, he stood still and looked at them, smelling the little pigs inside. He was already eager to get inside. Satela ran toward the straw house, huffed and puffed like a strong wind, and immediately blew the roof off the house. When the little pig inside saw this, he ran to his brother in the wooden house.
Satela ran after them. When he reached the wooden house, he took a deep breath and blew harder. The house shook, and with another huff, it collapsed. The two little pigs managed to escape and ran to the brick house, where the third pig was hiding.
Satela chased after them, but he couldn’t catch them. He grew angrier and began running around the brick house. He blew with all his might, but nothing happened. The brick house remained strong and solid. After running around the house, Satela noticed a window that wasn’t securely closed. The pigs, who were hiding inside, trembled with fear when they heard the dog outside.
Satela leapt through the window, but instead of getting the pigs, he fell straight into a pot of boiling water that was on the fire. He burned his backside badly. He quickly ran out of the window again. From that day forward, the pigs called him “Satela Bounda Boule,” which roughly translates to “Satela with a burned behind.”
Context and lesson:
This story is a variation of the classic “Three Little Pigs” tale with a Haitian twist. Instead of the classic Big Bad Wolf, the antagonist is a dog named Satela, who represents a threat to the pigs. The pigs, by working together and building their homes wisely, avoid being caught by Satela, who ends up getting hurt due to his greed and persistence. The phrase “Satela Bounda Boule” became a humorous way to refer to someone who suffers due to their own actions, especially when they are greedy or overzealous.
The story of the three little pigs is a classic tale about the value of preparation, the importance of working hard to create a solid foundation, and the consequences of not considering the long-term. It also teaches that cleverness and good intentions are essential for overcoming difficulties, while harmful actions may lead to failure and humiliation.